Some Of Our Proven Tools Of Recovery We Use To Success Locate & identify the recovery problem(s) for medical facilities Work medical billing denials daily and work all open accounts simultaneously for same patient. Our recovery experts take personal responsibility for the success of their assigned accounts Rewards/bonus programs for all recovery personnel Design an immediate recovery plan on large open and aged accounts for large hospital systems Create follow up teams by desks and alpha splits. Work assignments per employee Productive team meetings when necessary Install AMS on site staff based on need. Create teams that ensures daily billing on new claims and follow-up open and previously billed claims. Monthly, yearly and fiscal batch reporting showing % of recovery and cost to collect and by hospital if more than one in group Monthly production goals set each month and monthly numbers reviewed in depth Separate and identify the older accounts by payer for immediate work to avoid timely write-offs. Ample staff at all times, remote or on-site Progress reports weekly Be totally aware of open billed medical accounts nearing timely filing deadlines.